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6th Sense - not the movie

Have you ever had this feeling that something has happened or is about to happen and you find out in reality that it has come true? One of our dear friends has been experiencing marital problems. The man has been married for over 10 years. He has 2 beautiful children both in primary school. The man's wife is seemingly fed up with the marriage and wants out. Note, she wants the children, just not the husband. What she's unhappy with, I'm not too sure, as we've only heard his side of the story.  The story as relayed to us by our friend suggests that perhaps she has hit depression, or is experiencing some sort of mid-life crisis.  There's no 3rd party involved. They have been through couples counselling, but she insisted on submitting separation papers to the court. We are now close to the end - the 3-year mandatory separation period is coming to a close. Throughout this trying period, we have seen our friend experience desperation, angst and frustration. He coul

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